

Long Beach Program

We want your children to be able to develop their skills in a safe and balanced environment


Parvulos Program (2 - 3 years)

  • Desarrollo del pensamiento, el lenguaje comprensivo
    y expresivo, la comprensión e interacción social, el desarrollo emocional y las
    habilidades de movimiento.

  • Están los niños y niñas de dos a tres
    años, se continúa el desarrollo de diversos aspectos como el cognitivo buscando
    el potenciamiento del pensamiento.

  • En este grado se busca: Motivar la expresión verbal en cada niño y niña enriqueciendo su vocabulario a través de lectura de cuentos, descripción de láminas, aprendizaje de canciones, rimas y pequeñas poesías. introduce them to
  • We provide age appropriate art projects for our older infants in order to initiate exploration and awareness of their five senses.
  • We also have “Bubble Time” for all of our infants which is a short interactive time of singing songs and reading books.
  • In order to prepare our infants for their next stage (wobbler program) our older infants do “work time”, which is an introduction to Montessori work.
  • We will also help them self-feed and support their self-control throughout the day.

Wobbler Program (14 months - 18 months)

  • At Wee Care we call the bigger infants (14 to 18 months old) ‘the wobblers’ where they try to acquire sensory refinement, language skills and are interested in small objects.
  • Our wobbler program teachers create a friendly and inviting environment for our children and parents to come to. This allows children to feel safe and comfortable as they explore new materials and develop new skills.
  • We follow a specific schedule that allows our infants to adjust to a single routine.
  • Our teachers create a monthly curriculum based on our children’s interest with weekly lesson plans that assist in learning new concepts.
  • In our wobbler room we encourage independence and so provide child-sized furniture and materials that are at their eye level.
  • We also have a specific time that we dedicate for “Work Time”, which is an introduction and/or continuation of Montessori work.
  • At this age, our wobblers are still acquiring language so we continue to use sign language in order to provide them with an additional way to express themselves.
  • Our Wobbler Room continues to have a 1:4 child ratio, which allows teachers to have more one-on-one time with your precious little ones.
  • Throughout our daily routine and with the help of our monthly curriculum; our wobbler room teachers focus on different gross and fine motor skills as well as cognitive and social skills that are fundamental for our wobbler’s development. 
Wobbler’s Schedule
7:00 am-7:30 amGreetings, Inside Play2:00 pm-2:15 pmWake-Up, Diaper: Change and wash up
8:00 am-8:30 amBreakfast*, Music and Movement2:15 pm-2:45 pmAfternoon Snack and wash up
8:30 am-8:45 amCircle Time2:45 pm-3:15 pmWork Play
8:45 am-9:00 amDiaper Change and wash up3:15 pm-3:30 pmCircle Time
9:00 am-9:15 amGroup Activity3:30 pm-4:15 pmOutside Time
9:15 am-10:00 amOutside Play4:15 pm-4:30 pmDiaper Change wash hands
10:00 am-10:15 amWash up4:30 pm-5:00 pmStory Time
10:15 am-10:45 amLunch5:00 pm-6:00 pmDaycare
10:45 am-11:00 amClean-up, Diaper Change and wash up  
11:00 am-2:00 pmNap Time  
*There is no breakfast after 8:30 am

Toddler Program (18 months - 2.5yrs)

  • In our Toddler Room, we welcome our children every morning to music and movement and/or Practical Life Work. This provides our children to feel safe and comfortable in their environment.
  • As part of our Toddler Room focus, the teachers support children’s newly found skills by encouraging them to participate in class.
  • Our Toddler teachers realize that children in this age group want to show us what they can do so in order to support this different children are assigned to be «The Helper of the Day». The Helper of the Day assists teachers with their daily routine such as setting up for lunch, helping with beds, helpers during circle, etc.
  • Our Toddler Room reinforces children’s vocabulary by introducing new words that are constantly used throughout the day.
  • The children in the Toddler program are exposed to plenty of Montessori materials as they are provided with their own Montessori room.
  • In our Montessori room we maintain a low student-teacher ratio so they have small groups to individualize the learning experience.
  • During Circle Time each day our toddlers are exposed to letter sounds, shapes, colors and numbers as well as a main focus on the classroom’s weekly theme.
  • We realize how active our toddler’s day can be and in order to help them our teachers practice meditation techniques to calm and relax their bodies before nap time.
  • In our Toddler program we also start exposing our toddlers to potty training.
Toddler Schedule
Time Activity Time Activity
7:00 am-7:30 am Student interaction/Free Play 11:30 am-11:45 am Bathroom/wash hands
7:30 am-8:15 am Sensorial/Practical life 11:45 am-2:00 pm Naptime
8:15 am-8:30 am Morning Snack 2:00 pm-2:15 pm Practical Life
8:30 am-8:45 am Bathroom/wash hands 2:15 pm-2:30 pm Bathroom/wash hands
8:45 am-9:00 am Puzzles/ Manipulatives 2:30 pm-2:45 pm Afternoon Snack
9:00 am-9:20 am Circle time 2:45 pm-3:30 pm Outdoor play/wash hands
9:20 am-9:40 am Language 3:30 pm-3:50 pm Circle time
9:40 am-10:00 am Math 3:50 pm-4:15 pm Art/Craft
10:00 am-10:45 am Outdoor play/wash hands 4:15 pm-4:30 pm Bathroom/wash hands
10:45 am-11:00 am Music and Movement/Rhythms 4:30 pm-6:00 pm Daycare (books, puzzles, games)
11:00 am-11:30 am Lunch

como padres

Entendemos lo difícil que es para los padres encontrar una escuela para sus hijos. «Descubre el mundo del aprendizaje sin límites desde la comodidad del hogar. La educación virtual ofrece una experiencia segura, flexible y enriquecedora para tus hijos.»


“Nuestro programa está diseñado con los más altos estándares educativos, garantizando un aprendizaje significativo y duradero."